Here is a hypothesis. By blogging, we reveal a lot more about ourselves than those who don't blog, and, thus, make ourselves vulnerable to judgments of all kinds (not the stereotypical judgment-judgment, as in "criticism").
In a way, we are like "fools" exposing our weaknesses, shortcomings, foibles, vulnerabilities; we blog about mundane stuff, too - and that may seem trite at times; it's like eavesdropping on someone's conversation in a restaurant and thinking, "geez, why do those people talk about that stuff, they should get a grip it's because we don't know the context of those other people's lives. For those who "eavesdrop," it's probably removed, it's about "the other" in me, the blogger persona, if you will - somewhat unreal, I suppose...even though I am as authentic here as anywhere, still the text is *chosen*, and there is no full context for anything.
There may also be an assumption on the part of some readers that our public "persona" is all there is to us...and that may be not all that exciting. They don't know what we are like in an intimate setting, and I wish they weren't afraid to find that out!
I wish people would confirm or refute what I am saying here, or add something completely unexpected!
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